City of Miami survey marker

Virtual Public Hearing (VPH) for the City of Miami HUD Action Plan

On June 29-30 the City of Miami will hold two Virtual Public Hearings (VPH) to gather public input for the City of Miami Action Plan 2020-2021 (Oct. 1, 2020 – Sept. 30, 2021), to be submitted to US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

We invite the City of Miami residents to participate in the hearings and leave their comments and suggestions. Interested persons should visit for details on how to comment or watch the VPHs live.

You can find additional information below. Please feel free to share this information with your neighbors and community members.

ActionPlan public hearing flyer 2020-2021


Lender's Day 2020

Lender’s Day Virtual Forum with Lenders on June 12, 2020

NHSSF is pleased to announce 

Lender’s Day
Virtual forum with lenders (via Zoom)
June 12, from 8:30 am. to 2:30 pm.

Many things have changed in recent months, but not our commitment to continue serving you with products, literacy programs, and services that promote your financial well-being and put you on the path of buying a home and making your dream come true.

Therefore, this 2020 we invite you again to participate in NHSSF Lender’s Day, an event in which all interested parties (potential homebuyers -be they first-timers or not- and real estate agents) can learn about the products and services from different mortgage lenders so that now, or in the near future, they can take an informed decision that will allow them to purchase a home.

The format, this time, will be different. To keep the preventive measures established by local and federal health authorities in place, NHSSF Lender’s Day 2020 will take place in a virtual forum. In a free Zoom session, those invited participants can enter the meeting at the time they consider most appropriate and attend the lender’s presentation of their interest. They need to REGISTER LINK and they will receive a link with the invitation to access the virtual forum.

We will celebrate NHSSF Lender’s Day this coming June 12, from 9 am to 3 pm and will feature the following lenders:

TopicPresenting Lender
How to Qualify for LoansNHSSF Lenders
How to Compare Loan ProductsChase
Exploring Unfamiliar Loan ProductsCitibank
How to Manage the Lender-Buyer RelationshipIberia Bank
How to Work Together with a Lender and a RealtorLoan Depot

If you have the vision of buying a house or helping others fulfill that dream, the Lender’s Day is a unique opportunity to take one more step towards your goal.

Register Now

Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida

NHSSF is pleased to announce the following new workshops and events …

Counting more than four decades of experience in the housing and community development sector wouldn’t have been possible without a constant passion for evolution and improvement. Being empathetic to the needs of South Florida residents and offering them better and more useful services and products are in our DNA. That is why in these times of new challenges and needs, at NHSSF we are pleased to announce the following two new workshops and two events to which we invite you to participate.


If you want to register in any of the following workshops or events or need more information, please write to us at or call us at 305-751-5511 or View our Events Calendar.




Moving from Emergency to Empowerment: July/August 2020

COVID-19 pandemic had forced our community to face problems that were there before but were left unaddressed, such as lack of savings, difficulty making ends meet, high debt. In March, NHSSF created a brand new “Emergency Workshop” with plenty of tools and resources to help borrowers and tenants to face their financial challenges. However, that’s not enough. We want them to turn their challenges into opportunities. We want them to thrive financially despite the odds. We want them to be empowered. That’s why we are bringing additional tools and resources. Stay tuned for a new workshop: Moving from Emergency to Empowerment! 


Post-Purchase Workshop – Maintain and Sustain the Dream of Homeownership

It was such a great feeling when you became a homeowner. After you overcame the barriers of income, credit and/or capital, you were able to close on your home loan and move into your new home. You have achieved the American Dream. In this Post-Purchase class, you will learn how to maintain your finances in great shape and maintain your home. Many new homeowners are tempted to buy new furniture, new appliances, new lawn equipment, new cars without thinking about the consequences over their credit and capital. You worked too hard to improve your credit scores before you bought your home. The purpose of this class is to show you the road to financial sustainability after your home purchase. We will cover budget and credit, home repairs, maintenance plans, and so much more.



NHSSF se complace en anunciar los siguientes nuevos talleres y eventos…

Tener más de 40 años de experiencia en el sector de la vivienda y el desarrollo de vecindarios y comunidades no habría sido posible sin un incesante deseo de adaptación y progreso. Ser empáticos a las necesidades de los residentes del sur de la Florida y ofrecerles cada vez mejores servicios y productos corre en nuestro ADN. Es por ello que, en estos tiempos de nuevos desafíos y retos en HNSSF nos complacemos en anunciar los siguientes dos nuevos talleres y dos eventos a los le invitamos a participar.

Si quiere registrar su participación o desea más información sobre los talleres y eventos anunciados, por favor escribanos a o llámenos al 305-751-5511.




Pasar de la emergencia al empoderamiento: julio/agosto de 2020

La pandemia de COVID-19 ha obligado a nuestra comunidad a enfrentar problemas que existían antes, pero que no fueron resueltos, como la falta de ahorros, la dificultad para llegar a fin de mes y una deuda elevada. En marzo, NHSSF creó un nuevo “Taller de Emergencia” con muchas herramientas y recursos para ayudar a los prestatarios e inquilinos a enfrentar sus desafíos financieros. Sin embargo, ello no es suficiente. Queremos que conviertan sus desafíos en oportunidades. Queremos que prosperen financieramente a pesar de las probabilidades. Queremos empoderarlos. Es por eso que estamos generando herramientas y recursos adicionales. Estén atentos a este nuevo taller: ¡Pasar de la emergencia al empoderamiento!


Taller post adquisición de vivienda: Mantenga y sostenga el sueño de ser propietario de una vivienda

Fue una sensación increíble cuando te convertiste en propietario. Después de superar las barreras de ingresos, crédito y/o capital, pudiste cerrar tu préstamo hipotecario y mudarte a tu nueva casa. Has logrado el sueño americano. En esta clase post adquisición de vivienda, aprenderás cómo sostener la buena salud de tus finanzas y mantener tu hogar. Muchos nuevos propietarios se sienten tentados a comprar muebles nuevos, electrodomésticos nuevos, equipos nuevos para el césped, automóviles nuevos sin pensar en las consecuencias sobre su crédito y capital. Trabajaste demasiado para mejorar tu puntaje crediticio antes de comprar tu casa. El propósito de esta clase es mostrarte el camino hacia la sostenibilidad financiera después de la compra de tu casa. Cubriremos tópicos como presupuesto y crédito, reparaciones del hogar, planes de mantenimiento y mucho más.