photo of Danielle Pierre

New Board Member: Welcome to the Neighborhood!

We are thrilled to welcome Daniella Pierre as the newest member of the Board of Governance of Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida. Daniella Pierre is Chief Affordable Housing Advocate at On the Grid Community Housing Advocate, while also acting as an Academic and Career Advisor at Miami Dade College.

Her nomination to the board was unanimously approved on December 9, 2020, after understanding that “as a resident and business member of South Florida, [Ms. Pierre brings] talents that are essential to the success of our governing board,” as Board Chair, Ofonedu-Ime Goodwyn, said in his welcoming letter.

Ms. Pierre’s perspectives and insights on community issues, financial planning matters, and direction will support our mission in South Florida. As one of her first actions within the Board, Ms. Pierre is attending the Community Leadership Institute 2021, organized by NeighborWorks America, with the rest of the NHSSF community leaders’ team. She brings to this training her in-depth knowledge and experience around Miami Dade challenges and possibilities.

Thank you for your commitment to our community and for joining the board of directors.


Welcome to NHSSF!

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