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Homebuyer Education Workshop 12/7/24 (English)


This 8-hour online workshop will provide you with valuable information to help you on your path to homeownership. The workshop covers all the key elements that will help you: Prepare …


Financial Fitness Workshop 12/9/24 (Spanish)


Taller de Aptitudes Financieras Esta clase está diseñada para enseñar los fundamentos de las finanzas personales. En este curso aprenderá las habilidades y estrategias para lograr un buen estado financiero …


Financial Fitness Workshop 12/10/24 (English)


This  online class is designed to teach the fundamentals of personal finance. In this course you will learn the skills and strategies for sound family finances so that you can …


Homebuyer Education Workshop 12/14/24 (Spanish)


Taller de Educación para Compradores de Vivienda Obtenga información valiosa que le ayudará en su camino hacia la casa que quiere. Este taller en línea de 8 horas le proporcionará …


Homebuyer Education Workshop 1/25/25 (English)


This 8-hour online workshop will provide you with valuable information to help you on your path to homeownership.

The workshop covers all the key elements that will help you:

  • Prepare to buy a home
  • Improve your credit
  • Access financial subsidies for first-time and low- and moderate-income buyers
  • Work effectively with a realtor and lender
  • Understand the entire home buying process to include getting loan preapproval; and the process for inspections, insurance and settlement

Completing the homebuyer education workshop and intake package will allow you to receive a certificate that can help you qualify for downpayment assistance and other state and local programs.
